My name is Pete and this is my little corner of the t-internet. This is a picture of me on a good day. Packed lunch in hand, wry smile towards the world and a big club with which to bat away any problems that are thrown at me.
Have been painting on and off for over thirty years so you’d think I’d be better at this lark than I am but hey ho. Splonk some colour on the model, give it a wash and if you’re lucky, really lucky, a couple of highlights. Jobs a good-un as they say here in the jolly old UK. Well, some weirdos like me say it.
The proverbial pile of shame is mounting and, as we all know, it’s an uphill struggle. The challenge this year 2020 is to get everything painted from my display cabinets before tucking into the new boxed stuff. Maybe I should stop buying off eBay too then. Hmm. Nah
BTW I love me old metal models so when looking to add to my collection that’s what I’m primarily leaning towards. Yep, I’m of that generation. It’s the feeling of a bit of weight for all that money you’ve just laid out. I’ve inadvertently snapped a few of the twiddly bits on some of the newer plastic kits and that gets my goat. (Disclaimer, I don’t actually own a goat)